The MiDiv Solo Committee has recently been made aware that SCCA is recognizing CAM-Ladies classes this year, also XS and EV Ladies. The chart of the Run Days for the Solo Nationals includes CAMSL, CAMCL, CAMTL, XSL, XAL, XBL and EVXL. This has been confirmed with Rick Myers, SCCA Director of Solo. They are also being offered at National Tours.
The MiDiv Solo Series has not been recognizing those Ladies classes, for the reason that National hasn’t. In a poll of the MiDiv Solo Committee it has decided, unanimously, that we should.
Accordingly the eight women who have points so far this year in CAM and XS classes (none in EV), have been asked if they would rather their competition in the MiDiv series this year be scored in CAM/XS-Ladies. As in any other class, they also have the option to compete in the Open class, which is where they are scored now. Contact MiDiv Pointskeeper Rocky Entriken, ro***@**
We need replies no later than July 5 (Deadline for the Yoder event). Earlier if possible. When all replies are in, or after July 5, revised results and points will be posted on www,
Registration is open for the final two events. It may be too late to change the pre-registration on MotorsportsReg to accommodate the Ladies classes, but the same option will be individually offered to any other CAM/XS/EV females at the events in Yoder and Lincoln. The class list for Lincoln does include CAM-Ladies (at the very bottom of the class list), but not XS or EVX Ladies.